14 May 2014

Hansel + Gretel-Integration of Group Movement and Statue groups with Narrative-

Two forty  minute classes (one 90 minute) with presentation of work included. It is assumed that the pupils know the Hansel and Gretel story.

Thumbs up, Eyes closed
This game is good to use for settling a class down after a busy day and it improves their listening skills. Do this in a circle (or at desks).
Whole group Circle sitting or desks. PHYSICAL
Two children are chosen to stand up and all the others put their heads down on their desks with their eyes closed and thumbs sticking up. The two left standing must then creep around the desks and gently touch one person each on the thumb. Everyone is then told to open their eyes and the children who were touched stand up and try to guess which child touched them. If they get it right the children swap places if not the children have another go.

Eyes up eyes down

 Sensitization to the group. Teacher model first.
Whole group in circle. PHYSICAL

OK Pupils, when I say “Eyes down” -all look at the floor. And when I say   “Eyes up” each person looks up and focuses on one other person. If two peoples’ eyes meet then they swap places, fast. If no eyes meet we’ll try again. (Repeat until someone’s eyes do and they change places.)
Prisoners and the Guards
 Model the “Escape” -leaving the chair part. Adaptable to the Lion and the Deer/ The witch and Hansel + Gretel - any oppressing force and oppressed group.
Group in circle. Divide all in to A+ B.   A get chairs and sits on it in front of B. Context a prison. A is guard and B is prisoner. Place coin in centre.

Narrative: We are all in a prison camp. Those standing are guards. Those sitting are prisoners who will be shot in the morning. The guards must not let their personal prisoner escape. Guards place your hands at your sides and stand to attention. If the prisoner moves you can place your hands on his shoulders, stopping his escape. Prisoners must escape as it is now midnight and your future is desperate. You must escape. Each prisoner has three lives (three touches by guard) and then they change places.
When finished teacher takes up the coin to signify the end.

Body Sculpting 1- static. Gross motor
Working creatively in a group. Minimum body contact.

Clean floor. Break into fours.  
Create   the letter A on the floor with all bodies connected in one place.
Body Sculpting 2- static; self-chosen. Gross motor
Working creatively to make something new, unknown to the others.  

Nominate one person in each group (Number 1) to be the guesser for that group.
Create a letter of your choosing but in three dimensions. Nominated speaker from rest of group guesses the letter. Link to Phonics ( e.g. Kicking King)

Body Sculpting 3- mobile; self-chosen. Gross motor
Create a known object
Each must connect.
Create an object that Mammy uses in the kitchen.

Body Sculpting 4. Self-chosen. Gross motor
Imaginative creation and movement.  
Different levels, vocals give it a personality.
Create a moving object- e.g.  From house or garden. Object must move and make its noise. It’s good to start on FREEZE and end on FREEZE as it disciplines the children’s thoughts and action.
Stitch to a narrative
Contextualize the skills learned in a narrative. Find a place in the story you are working on (cave, hut, lair, cottage, etc)
Hansel and Gretel. Pick three children. Witch, Hansel and Gretel who arrive at the house of the witch. Witch greets them and shows them her beautiful kitchen. This time the machines are “evil” (could be fear inducing, joyous, etc.

Now, I’d like you to create machine in the witch’s kitchen. It looks normal but it does something that w witch would want it to do. It’s under the spell of the witch and does evil things, even though it may not want to. So we get an evil hoover that hovers up children. Its good if the witch is trying to “lie “ her way through his and  trying to prove she is really “ nice”- which of course she is not.
Play this with you as witch if the children are not able for the roles. Could also be Miss Trunchbull, Voldemort etc
Projection still image
To synthesise the children’s learning.
How did it end? What do you think happened? You can try  the right ending ( all is well) and then the wrong ending ( all is tragedy for one person or group). Teacher model what the three sentences might be.
Now we all know how this ended, but I’d like to see your version. Make a 30 second video clip  of the witch, Hansel and Gretel five minutes later. This is how your group would end the story. Each person can speak once and once only, so be careful what you say. Practise this so that the three things are connected.
Pass the squeeze
Ritual ending ceremony
Full circle. Hold hands.
 When I squeeze the hand of the person on my left she passes it on to the next person. Try doing it so no one can see you. Send it around clockwise once. Then anti clockwise. Then both at the same time.
Last  word
To synthesise pupils learning
Think about any new words we learned in the last few weeks.
What word would you think you’d use to describe how you experienced today’s class. What would Hansel say? Gretel? The witch?