10 Oct 2013

Initial Games

Drama Games To start a Class  

Whole Group Circle Physical

Rhythm Claps
· Clap With your name in the rhythm
· Clap , Knees, Tummy, Head in series
Big Chief ( Leader of the Orchestra)
One person leaves the room, in a circle,others agree on a pattern of moves and the outsider comes back into circle and has to guess who the leader is.
Machine of rhythm
One person makes a movement in rhythm. Another interprets this and complements it with a movement of their own. Leave one out. Group tries to follow

Swap Place
1. All those who are: wearing brown shoes
2. Have change in their pockets
3. Have not eaten a meal today
4. Are wearing. . .
5. Music
6. TV /Films
Students suggest categories. Keep the categories public in the main.

Colour on me, Colour on You: match a colour of material on yourself with your partner

Looking at you looking at someone else.
Look at some one in the circle who is definitely not looking at you.
Copy them in every detail you can. This is an n observation exercise, to see can you see what you see.

Catch My Eye.
Teacher in centre. When he claps you, look at anyone
Each person looks at any one at random. If the person you are looking at is also looking at you at the same time then you swap places with them.

The Guards and the Prisoners.
A circle of chairs. Two circles the outside people with their hands on the shoulders of the people in front. It is the job of each guard to tap the person sitting in order to stop them escaping. Only one guard is eligible [selected by T ] to wink at the people to allow them to escape. You can have 1 or 2 lives.
A game for establishing the rules of non sight exercises.

Whole group pairs Verbal
Silly Hobbies
Each person says a hobby beginning with their own initials: CDH = Cleaning Dead Hedgehogs. Can be done in fours or pairs
Where each says 123 in series. Then substitute a sound for 3 then a move for 1 etc.
Person to person
ears to nose etc, then change partner on person to person

Colombian Hypnosis
Follow the hand, keeping 6” from the nose at all times.

Blind meet
  1.  Hold shoulders and step back 3 paces, return to same spot .
  2. Shake hands / shoulders and fall back only to meet again

Blind Noises
Guide, makes an animal sound. On a signal the blind all close eyes. Guide moves around room and stops sound when a crisis looms. This ex. deals with the selective functioning of the ear.