7 May 2013

EPR ( Embodiment,Projection, Role) Play to Drama for Infants


Stage 1
Type of Behaviour
Ideas for Dramatic Action

Your ideas
Gross body movement involving the whole body

Creative ideas of moving as monsters, aliens, mice.  Walking as… My day as... The Dream of…Use Guided Imagery here. 

Inside the
Fine body movement with different body parts
Sewing like the tailor…making porridge like Mammy bear. Counting the coins like…preparing to go hunting, writing notes
Sensory movement involving textures, sound, taste, smell and sight –
Touching objects and guessing size, texture, use.  Can be done as unseen (touch only) or sighted activity.

Singing games, which name body parts, as they are touched. 
Hands heads shoulders knees and toes etc

Swordplay and wrestling.
Three Duels: Toes, knees, backs- modelled by teacher.

Rhythmic movement and dance
In circle copy teacher in 3 moves.  Then move independently.  Clapping/tapping/ moving with different body parts

Stories with sounds and movement.  Act-telling the parts of story children liked.  .First thing the character wakes up in their bed. Then feels hungry, then thirsty, then cold or hot, windy or wet. Linking to  the seasons. Next the need of safety ;hears a sound, sees a strange movement in the long grass, touches something that is unusual and a wee bit scary, Smells something  in the distance. This may be a problem for Mammy, or little brother or sister. Feels  lonely and goes to meet his friend and play with them. Says bye-bye  to Mammy who says “Don’t be long-be back for dinner”. Goes off to meet the friend. Finds a friend and needs help with something from that friend. The Friend  has a problem that  needs solving. Can “you” help?. The  character  somehow solves the problem and goes home to Mum ( possibly  with the friend) . Character is very tired now and  curls up bedside Mammy and  falls fast asleep. Later tells Mammy( TIR)  about this as “ News”.
Stage 2
   Type of Behaviour                                  Ideas for Dramatic Action
Your Ideas


Play with substance
Sand, water, finger paint, clay, Plasticine

Outside the

Play with bricks and counters
Patterns, constructions, 'all fall down'
Play with toys
Sand tray stories, sculpts, paper placement, making maps, mapping journeys

Play with scenes
Dolls house, puppets (making of puppets too)

Play with natural media
Pebbles, bark, twigs, leaves

Play with pictures
Crayons, paints, drawing, collage with varied media

Stage 3
Type of Behaviour

Ideas for Dramatic action
Your Ideas
Role -
Combination of two
Action: Teacher/Pupil Apprentice Mime
Guessing game of characters in story TIR act; PIR guess the characters at a point in story. Known character with an unknown problem. Bear cannot tie up his bag.

Internal and
Pupil independent mime in group
Leader of the orchestra.  What am I doing?

Pupil     holding Iconic Role
Frozen Statues (Time limit 10 sec)

Find (TIR) roles in stories that that children (PIR) can ask questions. TIR has information: PIR requests information to solve a problem, find a solution or understand why certain actions happened.
 Goldilocks is missing.  PIR in Role as friends of Goldilocks; TIR as Baby Bear

Create animal characters that interact. 
Diorama of a normal day for the animal [direct parallel with children’s day based on needs*[1]

Use simple roles with single feelings.  Then change form one feeling to another.
The angry animal/person, the sad person and maybe draw the faces of the characters/people.

Time and place
Guess where I am? (Mime of place e.g. Kitchen Guess what time it is? Mime of time e.g. time to go to bed. 

Believing it is the winter.  Through feeling not showing.  Feel the snow beneath your feet as you walk over the pond to save the bear. Sausages. Out of role and in role. As group questioning.( Not smiling)

Speaking in the voice of a character: Soft/Loud/soft.
Slow to Fast to slow
Low to High to low
Sleeping to Waking to sleeping
Nice to Cross to nice

1. http://honolulu.hawaii.edu/intranet/committees/FacDevCom/guidebk/teachtip/maslow.htm