7 Feb 2012

An introduction to Play, Game and Drama with Children using the PVC system

 The PVC  system refers to  the Physical ,Verbal and Concentration stages of preparation of pupils to work imaginatively verbally and cooperatively. 

When children are at the concentration phase of  the PVC then they are ready to start the Drama phase of session. Sometimes it is not necessary to go through all  three stages. If concentration and collaboration are  present,then pupils are ready.If not then try some of these below. For more  games see Augusto Boal article on Forum Theatre by clicking his name and go to page 5.

Whole Group  Physical

1.Circle  Games
-        Clapping game. In reverse. Both ways. Clap, Knees, Tummy, Head in series. Leave one out.  Group tries to follow.
-        Leader of the Orchestra ( variant of above)

-        Circle of knots  

-        Teacher holds finger or hand of person beside them and  walks through

-        the group. Or each grabs the hand of the person opposite, each hand separate person
-        Dog and Bone
-        Cat and Mouse
-        Guards and prisoners.             

-        Balancing circle. 

-        Zip zap Boing!

2. Whole Space Exercises Room walk

-        All the actors walk around very quickly. Eyes down.  Drama Teacher says stop. Reverse action (Go = Stop) 
-        Bomb and shield. Following someone. Then they have a bomb, and then you select a shield.
-        Catch my Back
-        Opposite signals

-        Titanic

-        Murder  Wink  A game  for establishing the rules of non sight exercises.

Pairs Verbal

·       Distraction
·       Yes and…story. A-Z: Five letter word
·       Silly Hobbies (Can be done in 3’s). Each person says a hobby beginning with their own initials :  CDH  = Cleaning Dead  Hedgehogs
·       Detective: In pairs. A looks at B.A  Turns back. B changes one thing. A turns back again. A guesses which.
·       My favourite ….without mentioning  what it is. E.g. Hobby,food
·       Introductions: 2 truths and one lie

Concentration Exercises
-        Wink circle. Contract to move when another person winks at you. Best done in chairs
-        Step in count
-        Fizz Buzz
-        Keeper of the Keys

-        Seeing: Walk slowly around the room. As you do notice something you had not seen before
-        Listening: stay still. Listen  to the sounds in the room, outside the room, street etc

-        Blind leading the blind in pairs

-        Alphabet conversation

-        Numeric conversation

Concentration with clear drama elements

-        The definite prop/the indefinite prop

-        What am I doing? Partner does the opposite

-        Hands on shoulders in pairs

-        Shake hands with the blind man in pairs

-        Who am I? Mime( Professions and trades)
-        What am I doing? Mime
-        What room am I in? Mime
-        Receptionist and the foreign tourist mime
-        Fine motor skills mime( sewing etc)
-        Gross motor skills mime ( Chopping wood etc)
-        What Famous person am I? More subtle
-        What TV programme is this?




·         Play and Game . Were we playing now ? How do we know this?, Brainstorm Play. What are the defining characteristics of Play ,then Game: brainstorm. Split group in two   Gp. A define Play in groups. Gp. B define Game in groups of 4.
·       Look for awareness of role, level of participation.
·        What were the links to drama: Look for Fun, Imagination, Rules, Co-operation, Teacher   intervention, Make-believe.

 Drama,  Education  and Multiple Intelligences.

Read Gardner  from the BLOG.  Ask for  examples of each intelligence  from today’s  class.

Show OH of Draó and Theatron. Explain differences   and similarities of both.

Active learning
 Actor /pupils

What did you learn  for your reflection about Play, Game, Theatre, Education, Trust, Socialisation?
 How does PLAY change when it comes into the formal education system? What is the role of the teacher and participant in the classroom? What change occurs to both Education and theatre in form, content, function when they come into   the class room?